About Hotels at Sea®:  About Hotels at Sea® & Connoisseur Traveler partners & global affiliates:  Hotels at Sea® provides worldwide consulting services to cruise lines, government relations support, security & threat consulting, lobbying/legislative support on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, DMCs & entertainment support and is a global cruise line charter company.   We are the top cruise line consulting firm in the world certified and awarded as expert travel partners at the highest levels, by the world's leading cruise lines offering internal & external support either undercover or in a fully cooperative manner.  Our worldwide partnership with SEALOC allows cruise ships the opportunity for the best in Ocean prepared Ultra 4K Sea Televisions & Satellite equipment that withstands the elements of sea salt and fully waterproof.  Hotels at Sea augments major sporting and other special events worldwide, especially where there is a lack of hotel space; docking our cruise ships at the events full time. We work in cooperation with other DMCs,  hosting governments,  CVBs & Tourism Authorities of the host country.   This is ideal for event sponsors, companies associated with events, large groups or enthusiast organizations involved in any major events to include but not limited to our expertise with the Olympics, Super Bowl, America’s Cup, World Cup, Corporate meetings & Conventions.  Hotels at Sea & Connoisseur Traveler are THE choice for safety, comfort and value.    Connoisseur Traveler is open by invitation only serving Groups & Luxury suite guests. 

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Full Ship, Half Ship & Luxury Yacht Charters

Have an Entire Ship at Your Command

Looking for an impressive, new and exciting venue to host your next corporate program?  A full ship charter is the ultimate in privacy, exclusivity and customization – offering a unique and lasting memory that will continue to motivate your employees or entertain your clients throughout the year and beyond.

We offer ships accommodating between 100 and 6,000 guests.

A full ship charter program offers an incomparable experience allowing optional customization of:

Ship’s itinerary
Shore excursion
Your name/logo on hull (not all ships)
Onboard activities & events
In stateroom television & public area broadcasts
Corporate décor throughout the ship
Logo food & beverage items
A variety of other logo items (photos, daily program, sea pass cards)

Cruising offers the highest satisfaction rate of all travel alternatives and an incredible value when compared to land-based hotels and resorts.

We are the only business to business cruise line consulting firm in the world that has exclusive partnerships and ownerships in our network from entertainment, to the IPT USA Polo Team, to wineries we own to our legislative arm, to our new global exclusive partnership with SEALOC. 

We consult on, produce and execute major events to include VIP polo matches for luxury partners, loyalty programs, cruise ship guests, wine education events, special events, concerts, ship inaugurations, culinary programs, shoreshide events for cruise ship guests & special events worldwide. 

Firstly, no one beats our "suite" offers - you can & should always book an individual SUITE thru us 

Click HERE to book an individual Suite on a Cruise Ship


join us on a curated cruise we have developed


Click HERE to Charter a Top Luxury Yacht


Click HERE to Charter a High Capacity Yacht


Ultra-Luxury Ultra Mega-Yachts with Resorts at Sea



For "Industry partners/cruise lines" below:

Business to Business Consulting: 

We consult for cruise lines globally providing research on latest trends with actual field tests. We offer our expertise in these areas with exclusive opportunities to the cruise line industry:

  • Marketing & Public Relations
  • Social Media "Influencers" to promote your new/luxury cruise line/ship or program. Our average post is valued on average at $15,000.00 per each single post by the worlds leading independent measuring organization.
  • SEALOC Televisions (Exclusive/worlds only seasalt & weatherproof protected TVs for cruise industry)
  • Front line field research either cooperatively or clandestine research programs
  • Professional Cruise line Polo Team included with activation/onsite sales options with proven records generating millions of dollars for the cruise lines
  • Event Production & Special Events
  • Hospitality & Entertainment
  • Government Relations/Legislative matters
  • Epicurean/Culinary Programs
  • Wine Selections/Wine Education Programs

If you are a cruise line needing expert political, technology, security or other cruise related advice, our world wide exclusive portfolio of experts provide mutual NDAs to help you with your latest top secret project

Types of cruise ship charters:

World Cup

America's Cup of Sailing

Super Bowl

Ryder Cup

Corporate meetings or conventions
Product launches
Consumer promotions
Incentive programs
Trade shows
Corporate anniversaries

Concert cruises

Entertainment cruises

LGBT cruises

Government Relations

Emergency Relief Accommodations

Medical Care at Sea​​


We consult and lobby capitol hill in Washington DC including other governments when needed for major events and financial affairs/funding including internal affairs consulting/investigations.  We work with the leading cruise lines in the world, including cruise lines that have come to us for expert advice that have not yet even started construction or have sailed yet.